Kundalinilife's Blog

Kundalini Life Yoga's Blog Health & Wellness

Opening The Heart


I have had the pleasure of unfolding deeply into my poses this morning in yoga, and realized how we unfold in life.
It got me thinking, we as individuals and communities unfold into so many beautiful amazing things. Unfolding in the natural process of life is a journey in itself. When we unfold and open up, like the beautiful agave plant above, we witness a process within ourselves that helps us to discover certain gems or treasures on our path. Some treasures may be hidden or buried deep within, and we have to keep unfolding into that process to discover them. Other gems may be along the path that we pick up and put in our pockets and they stay in our pockets for a while until we are ready to use them or adorn them.

How to unfold to the natural process of life…..there are no instructions for this, no manual, just our eyes and heart to open up and allow us to unfold into our life path, what ever that may be, where ever that may be, and what ever challenges we may stumble upon. Unfold with the breathe, unfold with a song, unfold with a dance, unfold with relaxation, unfold……..

I’ve been on a sabbatical for the last month and have unfolded into this unknown space and it is lovely, gracing me with it’s presence, giving me the courage to do what I know in my heart of hearts is right for me, no matter what the outside noise of peoples’ opinions and beliefs are. I have unfolded and opened up to a raw element of organic goodness within. Unfolding each day and finding those treasures within has been a blessing, a challenge and a whimsical journey of my soul.

May you find the petals of your soul peeling back, unfolding, and opening up to the morning sun.

Sat Nam


1 Comment»

  A friend wrote @

Very insightful…your life sounds very content, one day i hope to meet the unfolding of this esquisit flower. “Good Job”

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